E&S Committee – Briefing Report

Member’s Briefing Pack

12 December 2024


Update on Design Code

Purpose of the report

To note

Report Author

Laura Richardson

Ward(s) Affected

All Wards



Exemption Reason


Corporate Priority

Environment, Community



Committee is asked to:

To note progress made to date on the Design Code and next steps

Reason for Recommendation

The Design Code Task Group has asked for a regular update report so that all Councillors are aware of the project’s progress


1.            Summary of the report

What is the situation

Why we want to do something

      The Project Board recognise the important role of the Design Code in supporting high quality development in the Borough

      The Project Board wish to keep Councillors up to date on project progress

      So that all Councillors have an understanding of the Design Code project and are able to answer any queries their residents may have, as well understand their opportunities to contribute to the development of the Design Code

This is what we want to do about it

These are the next steps

      A monthly Briefing Note will be produced which sets out key activities undertaken, what is upcoming and any key project stages further into the future  

      Regular monthly reports will be provided until the Spelthorne Design Code is adopted


1.1         This report gives a monthly update on the key activities undertaken/to be undertaken and any key project stages further into the future on the Spelthorne Design Code.


2.            Key issues

2.1         The Spelthorne Design Code project has taken a community-led approach to co-produce a Design Code for the Borough with local people through various active community participation activities. This approach will help ensure new developments which are coming forward meet the real needs of the borough’s diverse communities. The Design Code project has now reached the end of Stage 1 (Listening) and is transitioning to Stage 2 (Translating). During this phase of the project the baseline data and community engagement feedback gathered over the summer, from our communities and other key stakeholders along with our Citizen’s Panel will be translated and work will begin on developing the draft Code. Further details of the project programme can be found on the Spelthorne Design Code Hub here:  Have Your Say Today - Spelthorne Design Code - Commonplace

2.2         The project has been moving forward with ongoing community participation via our online engagement hub. Since June, the platform attracted 6,100 visitors to our Commonplace page, resulting in 627 contributions from 209 respondents. Additionally, 268 people subscribed to the page to stay informed with the latest updates.

2.3         The Interactive Map on the Design Code online engagement hub, a key feature of Stage 1, enabled participants to drop pins on specific locations within Spelthorne and share their thoughts and pictures about that place, area or a more specific design feature. While the Interactive Map was closed on Sunday, 1 December 2024, members of the public can still view the comments submitted. The interactive map can be found here: Spelthorne Design Code | Commonplace

2.4         A Citizens' Panel has been established as a crucial element of the Council's community engagement in the development of the Spelthorne Design Code. This Panel brings people from across Spelthorne to inform and help create a new Design Code for the Borough. Panel members were selected through a blind process to ensure the Panel reflects the Borough’s demographic as close as possible, bringing together a diverse range of people to discuss and understand the issues. Residents can read the Citizens' Panel Brief here: Have Your Say Today - Citizens' Panel - Spelthorne Design Code

2.5         The Citizens’ Panel has been actively engaged in Stage 2. Two Citizens' Panel focus sessions with our appointed consultants David Lock Associates and Feria Urbanism were held on 16 November 2024 and 23 November 2024, with the third session early in the new year. During the first workshop, panel members explored what makes Spelthorne unique, envisioning a Borough that respects its character while embracing innovation. The second workshop focused on safety and accessibility, discussing how future development can cater to everyone’s needs. Members also shared personal experiences and their vision for various edge conditions and building types, considering how development fits within its surroundings. These valuable insights will inform design rules that reflect the values and aspirations of our community.

2.6         The Design Code Team is working with Communications Team to ensure Borough-wide promotion to increase public participation in the development of the Code. The advertising and delivery of the engagement activities has been done both online and offline to increase public participant and ensure that we reach as many people as possible for their views. Communication channels include weekly online promotion via social media channels, printed promotional materials distributed to key locations across the Borough, press releases and news updates and communications with community organisations.


3.            Options analysis and proposal

3.1         Not applicable as this is a noting report.


4.            Financial management comments

4.1         There are none.


5.            Risk management comments

5.1         A risk register is used in projects to document, assess, and manage potential risks that could impact the project's success, ensuring proactive mitigation and response strategies. The risk register for the project is regularly monitored and updated by the Project Manager.


6.            Procurement comments

6.1         There are none.


7.            Legal comments

7.1         There are none.


8.            Other considerations

8.1         There are none.


9.            Equality and Diversity

9.1         This will be dealt with as an integral part of the Design Code.


10.         Sustainability/Climate Change Implications

10.1      This will be dealt with as an integral part of the Design Code.


11.         Timetable for implementation

11.1      The project timeline and general information can be found on Have Your Say Today - Spelthorne Design Code - Commonplace


12.         Contacts

12.1      Cllr Burrell is the Design Code Task Group Chair. Other members are Cllrs Gibson, Williams and Clarke. Cllr Beecher attends the Project Board meeting as chair of the Environment and Sustainability Committee.

12.2      Queries for Officers can be emailed to the Design Code Team: designcode@spelthorne.gov.uk

12.3      Laura Richardson is the Project Lead.


Background papers: There are none.


Appendices: There are none.